Wednesday, December 2, 2015

A forest is in an acorn.

A forest is in an acorn.

A forest is in an acorn.

A forest is in an acorn.

An acorn is a seed of a tree. An acorn gives rise to only one tree. But the tree gives many fruits and seeds which in turn gives rise to many more trees. So an acorn however small it may seem to be, it can grow into a huge forest.

Though the maxim conveys this meaning, what it actually means is that small things which seem trivial may sometimes be of utmost importance. When a small hole is made in a ship it sinks. Due to this reason whenever we do something we should pay attention to even small things and try to do it perfectly.

So we have to cultivate the habit of creating a forest with the help of a single seed which has the huge potential of becoming many trees if tendered properly.

THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAIL is another way of expressing the same idea.

The eye of a friend is a good mirror.

A mirror is something which shows us as we are. It shows us our good character and our faults as well. A friend is some one who not only helps in our difficult times, but also constantly helps us in knowing ourselves. Whenever we have some difficulties or some things about which we need some guidance we talk with our friends. So a friend knows our mind better than anybody else.

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