Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Essays on Philosophy :

Essays on Philosophy

Essays on Philosophy : 

Philosophy has been with the mankind for thousands of years. Every civilization has produced many philosophers who have changed the course of history. Those philosophies have dramatically changed not only the people around those philosophers but also the people who lived far away from them. These philosophies have refined the attitudes of the people. If at all there is any refined tendency in our attitude and thinking, that can be attributed to the exposure we are given to those philosophies. After all these attributes, the basic question, “What is Philosophy?” still remains unanswered. 

Philosophies vary. Philosophers differ. No one could pinpoint where all these philosophies lead us to. Still Philosophers produce their thinking. Here we have produced few essays which give in-depth analysis of various philosophies. Although philosophies produce different thinking, sometimes totally contradictory thinking, it is ultimately left to the individuals to decide what is best for them. Our needs differ. We are in different environments. We are born with different abilities and mental set-ups. We differ by our visions and ambitions. Of course these differences bring beauty and colors to this mankind. Our uniqueness is in our difference. Similarities fail to add value always. 

No two days are same. No two people are same. No two countries are same. So no two philosophies are same. These philosophies help us to understand ourselves in better terms. We are moved to attain self-fulfillment by these philosophies. These philosophies tell us squarely at our face that in spite of our differences we are unique. That strong statement is the backbone of the philosophies. Philosophies are here to accept the differenced among the races and nations. No one is superior to others. 

Now let us read all these essays on Philosophies listed below. This page “Essays on Philosophy” publishes philosophical papers of quality which the editors believe will make a contribution to the literature on a certain topic. This site holds to no specific school of thought, mode of philosophizing or style of writing. Each essay is devoted to a specific topic. Philosophy is the most beliefs about what is true or real according to individual values (Gutek - 2009). Philosophy is our beliefs that will determine what we do professionally and personally. Not having a philosophy set in place, it will be difficult to make decisions within the classroom, creating curriculum and evaluate progress. Philosophy is the study of examining and thinking about questionable ethical problems and/or generally accepted certainties. Philosophy aims at knowledge that combines a variety of academic fields as well as convictions, prejudices and beliefs. 

Before we can consider some of the questions studied by philosophy it makes sense to ask what philosophy is in the first place, although this is itself subject to much debate. In this part of introducing philosophy and philosophical ideas, we begin by looking at the word and some of the historical answers given before moving on to more recent opinions. 

The word philosophy has meant different things at different times, often reflecting the culture of the day. Usually we understand the term to denote the love of wisdom, from the Greek. In this sense, as it was apparently used by the famous philosopher Socrates, it gives the impression of someone who is seeking wisdom, rather than having found it. We would only call someone a physicist, say, if he or she actually had some knowledge of physics, but we describe as a philosopher someone who is aiming at wisdom without necessarily achieving it. On the other hand, philosophy has also had the negative sense of a subject full of idle speculation, useless to the practical business of finding things out and consisting mostly in irrelevant theorizing. 

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