Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Essay: Information Technology

Essay: Information Technology

processing and distribution of data through computers.Telecommunications and digital
electronics is called Information Technology.This is an age of IT .The world has changed into 
a global village.Easy access to all kinds of data across the world is the fruit of IT.This 
is the most leading technology of the present age .The followings are the means that are
used in IT.

Computer is the most important equipment used in IT.A computer is a collection 
of simple machines whose activities are coordinated by a central control unit.These 
machines can read information and store this information for later use.Mother Board ,
Processor ,RAM, Monitor, Key Board ,Mouse ,CD ROM and Floppy Derive are the main
components of a computer.

The most remarkable features of a computer are speed ,versatility and accuracy 
As life has become speedy and quick ,the importance of computer has increased.It is 
being used in every field of life.In industry ,it keeps a record of goods,cost and 
output.It provides a great deal of help in engineering.It designs buildings of all kinds.
It gives information about the  best material to be used.In medicine, it assists of perform 
various tests, diagnoses diseases and prescribes medicine.In space , sea 
and earth explorations,it performed wonders .It collects information of
various heavenly bodies, their properties and atmospheric 
conditions.It tells us about the treasures hidden deep within the Earth's crust
and  in the depth of seas.In the field of education it has performed wonders.It collects
information for us from the most remote parts of the world.

Data processing is the analysis of data by using one or more computer 
programmes.It is widely used in business, engineering ,science and many other fields.Data 
processing if of two kinds i.e database processing and transaction processing .A database
is a collection of common records stored in a computer.It can be searched , accessed 
and modified .Band account records are the examples of such a 
data.Transaction processing refers to the sharing of data between computers.In this 
process one computer can access the data stores in other computers.

Internet is a global information system.It works through many interconnected 
computer networks.Each network may link tens, hundreds, or even thousands of computer.these computers share information with one another .The internet has enables people all over 
the world to effectively communicate with one another .They make information
available to others and find information provided others.

Telecommunications means the sending and receiving of messages over distances.It 
consists of devices and systems that transmit electronic signals across long distances.The 
common devices of telecommunication are telephone , radio and television.
Telecommunication enables people around the world t contact one another, to access 
information instantly , and to communicate from remote areas.

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